Many people wonder about the body—how it works, how to control it, perhaps even what it is. We can get some clues as to what it is—and isn't—when we consider two approaches to the word embodiment. We might think of one aspect of embodiment as being "concrete expression." Another is "materialization or incarnation." These may sound like the same thing, but they can be quite different.
Viewed metaphysically, body is the embodiment, the concrete expression, or the temple of God in the sense in which Paul writes to the Corinthians, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"1
The true identity of man, then, is the embodiment of spiritual qualities and the concrete, individual expression of Life, God. The true man is purely spiritual and always harmonious, the image and likeness of God. This spiritual fact indicates our real selfhood to which we each can awake as we give up a finite view of being. In the healing of sickness and sin, we experience God's infinite presence and power. God is Love, and His will is always good for His beloved creation.