Not Too Long Ago I became aware of sensations and pain in my jaw that reminded me of a tooth problem I used to have. At that time a dentist had said the tooth would have to be extracted. But since I became a student of Christian Science, I have proved the efficacy of Christian Science treatment, of specific healing prayer. Because I now know that this Science heals through the power of God, and that God, Spirit, is the only true substance and intelligence, I have learned to resist the aggressive thought that there is life and sensation in matter. As a result, I have been healed of tooth problems solely through prayer.
It was a false
perception of God
and man that had
to be put off.
It does seem that man is made of material elements and is subject to suffering in matter. But actually matter has no sensation of its own, no intelligence or power to inflict pain or suffering. In truth we are spiritual ideas made in God's own image, as we are told in the Bible's opening chapter. What really needs healing, then, is not man, God's perfect likeness, but the false belief that man is mortal and material, a product of "the dust of the ground" spoken of in the second chapter of the Bible. See Gen. 1:27; 2:7 The record of creation beginning in Genesis, chapter two, is just an allegory. God's image is not made of dust, subject to aging, decay, infection, pain, or any form of suffering.