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Testimonies of Healing

The “unbroken continuity of good” after a fall

From the September 2020 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I had spent many years thinking about taking Primary class instruction from an authorized teacher of Christian Science. At last everything was in place: I had applied and been accepted to a class and had bought my travel ticket. There was now just six weeks to go.

But when I fell with a heavy thump on a slippery walkway just after a Christian Science lecture my church had hosted, my thoughts began to race. Had I broken a bone? Would I be able to make it to this special class? Some other lecture attendees assisted me with standing, and because I was unable to put any weight on one leg, they lovingly helped me get where I wanted to go, which was home.

I held to the idea of the unbroken continuity of good. This meant to me that nothing could be outside the influence of God, Love. This includes man, who is made in God’s image and likeness, spiritual and eternal. And even then, I was seeing evidence of that goodness: On the short trip home, the student I had invited to the lecture could not stop asking questions about Christian Science—the lecture had so inspired him.

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