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Spiritual Short

Confidently speaking the truth

From the February 2021 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There was a time when I felt uncomfortable with conversations concerning medical topics, but I was hesitant to share what I had learned about healing through Christian Science.

I decided to pray more deeply about Jesus’ message, “Love thy neighbor as thyself” (Matthew 22:39). How could I truly love my neighbor in the face of such uncomfortable conversations? The answer came through an experience during a camping trip with a group of friends. 

Before others arrived, my husband and I discussed an article titled “Love is all there is to you” by Anthony Whitehouse (Journal, February 2011). I began to think more deeply about seeing others around me as expressions of Love, God. The article states: “If we understand ourselves to be intelligent, when confronted with a problem we rejoice before it—rather than trembling at the challenge.” What an eye-opening statement! I have always been grateful and joyful at the time of healing, but I had not considered expressing joy at the onset of a challenge—including when staring into the face of topics I did not like to discuss.

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