For a very long time, I thought of faith as something feeble, weak, and inconstant, something we had to bolster continually. However, a while back I realized that faith was a quality I needed to think more about.
One of the first ideas that came to me was that this desire to know more about faith and experience more of it came from God. I also felt that this meant I needed to be more faithful toward God. One day, as I contemplated what faithfulness means, I was led to resubscribe to the print editions of the Christian Science Sentinel and The Christian Science Journal after my subscriptions had lapsed, even though I still had a subscription to This way I could have copies for sharing. To me this was being more faithful to the By-Law on Church periodicals in the Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy, which says: “It shall be the privilege and duty of every member, who can afford it, to subscribe for the periodicals which are the organs of this Church; and it shall be the duty of the Directors to see that these periodicals are ably edited and kept abreast of the times” (p. 44).
If God is faithful to us, then, as God’s reflection, we are naturally faithful to Him.