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Of Good Report

More than “good enough”

From the April 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As a small child, loving Christian Science, I thought of myself as a Christian Scientist. Both of my parents had grown up going to Christian Science Sunday School and relied on Christian Science for all our needs. 

One day when I was barely old enough to go to school, I was playing with some friends and someone mentioned that “nobody is perfect.” While human perfection is not the goal in practicing Christian Science, with childlike innocence I insisted that we were all perfect—perfect children of God! Also, one of my grandmothers had mentioned that there is no power but good, and that stayed with me. My other grandmother often sang Mary Baker Eddy’s hymns to me, and my great aunt told me of her journeys around the world as a governess, and her healings in Christian Science.

I married a man who was from another Christian denomination, so we attended each other’s churches. In a short time, I felt that my place was to serve in the Christian Science church. My husband joined me. Our children went to Christian Science Sunday School, and one Sunday as we were leaving church, the Clerk came out to our car with membership applications, inviting us to join. 

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