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Testimonies of Healing

Abrasion healed

From the July 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am so grateful to Mary Baker Eddy. Along with her discovery and founding of Christian Science, she had such foresight to include an avenue of spiritual growth for those desiring a deeper understanding of this rich and fulfilling religion. Mrs. Eddy made provision for a 12-day course called Primary class, taught by a dedicated Christian Science teacher. 

I was inspired to attend such a class and was so grateful for the wonderful and practical ideas that were shared. I took notes in a binder during class, and I have further notes from each year’s annual association meeting, when all of my teacher’s pupils meet together for further spiritual lessons. The lessons I’ve learned from class and association meetings have enabled me to overcome physical challenges as well as financial problems.

I awoke one morning after a long hike to find my boot had left a painful abrasion on my foot. The pain caused me to limp, so I borrowed crutches from a friend. 

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