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“Come and see”

From the July 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Imagine being right in the middle of a cherished Bible story, walking in the sandals of a disciple of John the Baptist. After following John, you see Jesus for the first time and begin following him. He asks you and your friend what you’re looking for. You say, “Master, where are you staying?” and he replies, “Come and see.”

According to the Bible, John had told his disciples that Jesus was the Lamb of God, the promised Messiah—pivotal information. Upon hearing this, they followed Jesus (see John 1:35–39). 

I ask myself if I would have launched into a totally unknown life as they did, or perhaps would have hung back and watched for a couple of hours. The disciples had trusted John the Baptist, their teacher, who faithfully pointed the way to Jesus so they could wholly commit to his teachings right there on the spot. When Jesus saw them following him and asked them what they were looking for, they didn’t give him a typical reply. It’s interesting that, instead, they asked where he was staying—presumably, so they could live and work with him. Jesus invited them to come and see, and they accepted the invitation.

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