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Life and death: A colloquy

From the July 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Throughout history, people have wrestled with issues relating to life and death. The Bible is full of examples, and ultimately Christ Jesus challenged the notion that death is inevitable. His crowning achievement, his resurrection and ascension, provided irrefutable proof of divine Life’s—God’s—supremacy over death. 

Christian Science points to Jesus’ example as the pathway for overcoming sin, sickness, and death. Students of this Science may sometimes place a stronger emphasis on dealing with the first two of this triad. But the Discoverer of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, emphasizes throughout her writings that we will be more effective in healing sin and sickness if we better understand the unreality of death (see Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 426, for example). 

As illustrated by her dialogue between good and evil in Unity of Good (see pp. 21–26), a colloquy provides a unique way of clarifying thought, in this case distinguishing the real from the unreal. She explains: “If we observe our mental processes, we shall find that we are perpetually arguing with ourselves; yet each mortal is not two personalities, but one. 

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