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“He that hath seen me”

From the July 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A number of years ago I started to feel a desire for a better understanding of Christ Jesus. As I began a genuine in-depth study of what the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy’s writings tell us about the Master, a new world opened up. Reading again many of the accounts of Jesus’ life and what he himself said and taught, I felt a greater sense of humility and a deeper reverence for the Master, and saw more how Jesus and Christ are inextricably linked.

The story in Luke where Jesus visits the home of Martha spoke to me deeply (see 10:38–42). Martha complains to Jesus that Mary, her sister, who is sitting at Jesus’ feet and hearing what he’s saying, is not helping with serving. Jesus’ response to Martha is, “Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” I realized the great significance of those words. I needed “that good part.” 

Mary listened to Jesus in humility (at his feet) because she likely discerned that his teachings were the path to her salvation. Along with the recognition of my need for “that good part” came a clearer sense that a fuller understanding of Christ Jesus’ identity leads to a fuller understanding of God and of my own identity. Then I realized that such fuller understanding is the basis for healing.  

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