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Handling animal magnetism as nothing

From the March 1978 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One of the most joyful challenges before every Christian Scientist is to let divine Truth build in him such a strong defense of spirituality that should Truth's unreal opposite, animal magnetism, tempt him to be drawn to it like iron filings to a magnet, there will be nothing in him to respond to it.

As we let Truth reveal itself in our thought and life, all latent and subtle forms of animal magnetism are brought out from under cover where we can clearly detect them and fully reject them as suppositional lies.

The Bible tells us that after Jesus was baptized, "the heavens were opened unto him." 1 He became so fully aware of what he was as the Christ, as the Son or divine manifestation of Truth, that when the devil tempted him, he was unimpressed. In no way did he go along with the devil or give it power.

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