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Testimonies of Healing

Eight years ago our family became...

From the December 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Eight years ago our family became interested in Christian Science when my father was in need of healing from a nervous breakdown. The healing took place after three weeks' treatment had been lovingly given by a Christian Science practitioner. At the time I was but ten years of age, but realized the great benefit derived through this beautiful healing. I have been in the Christian Science Sunday School ever since that time, and am happy to say that now I am a member of the local church.

In October, 1925, while I was scuffling with a boy at school, the point of a lead pencil was run into my arm near the elbow. The physical training teacher looked at it and said it was merely a scratch. It healed, and was soon forgotten. About a week later, while playing basket ball I fell, bumping this same elbow. My arm pained me a great deal and began to swell, and I thought it must be badly sprained. Through the understanding I had gained of Christian Science I knew that God's reflection, man, could not know injury; but the pain continued and my arm remained badly swollen for about three days, during which time my parents also worked for me. There seemed to be a place on my elbow that was irritated, and it began to discharge. In a few days a piece of lead pencil came out. It soon healed after this, and I was so grateful for the protection of divine Love.

I should like to tell of another healing that has brought me a much better understanding, for which I am very grateful. A small blister formed on each of my feet, and I thought at first the trouble might be due to lacing my tennis shoes too tightly. The sores seemed to spread, and would get better, then seem worse again. Finally, one foot healed, but the other continued to cause some trouble. Help was asked for from a practitioner. I kept on with my study, and was finally healed in a little over a year from the time this manifestation first appeared. At times I would be discouraged, but I knew I must study more and gain a better understanding of God and His reflection, man. I am very grateful for the experiences which have made me study harder.

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