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Testimonies of Healing

It is with deep and sincere gratitude...

From the December 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with deep and sincere gratitude for the many blessings I have received through the study of Christian Science that I send this testimony. Many diseases have been healed, among them colds, sore throat, burns, rupture, rheumatism, accidents, blood poisoning, measles. Other discords have also been overcome, as well as the sense of lack.

The rupture was healed in one treatment. The case of blood poisoning took longer, but there was no pain and the healing was perfect. My youngest son, then about three years old, was out playing near a bonfire. His clothes caught fire. My father was near and put the flames out with his bare hands, burning both of them. He is not a Christian Scientist and suffered severe pain with his hands. I told him God's child could not suffer from doing a kind act, and then I took care of the child. I called a practitioner immediately, and the pain left the child. During the time the healing was taking place he had no pain. That was several years ago. Now the scar is so faint it can hardly be seen. The next morning after the burning took place I asked my father how his hands were, and there was not a blister on them. He just looked at me, and I could see how grateful he was. Some time ago this same lad was hit by an automobile. I asked for help from a practitioner, and in about an hour the swelling on his head was gone and he went out to play.

All these healings occurred within a short time. Then the time came when I had to prove, through a more prolonged experience, that God is ever present. A difficulty was manifested which seemed very stubborn, the fear being very great, so great at times that I thought everything would be over in a very short time. It seemed queer to me that a healing should take so long, but I had then and still have much to learn. I learned that time has nothing to do with a healing, as there is no time in God's universe; and I had to see that God's work is done, that His creation is always complete. I found I was looking for a healing some time in the next week, whereas right then my real selfhood was perfect, reflecting God. I am truly grateful that I had this opportunity to prove God's love and care.

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