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Testimonies of Healing

"Freely ye have received, freely...

From the January 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Freely ye have received, freely give." This Scriptural text impels me to bear witness to the healing truth that came to me at a time of great need some years ago, when a physician told me I must submit to an operation for inflamed, poisoned, and diseased organs that had troubled me for a year.

In leaving my southern home to reside in Kansas City, I had made a promise that should I ever need help in any way I would seek that help through Christian Science, although at that time I was not interested in it. But as the physician made his statement concerning the operation, and said that I would be confined in a hospital for three months, I immediately remembered my promise to a beloved relative and concluded my visits to the doctor. I then proceeded to find a Christian Science practitioner, and I am happy to say that in about a month I received my healing. I then desired to know how the healing work was accomplished, so I began the study of the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's works, and sought and received the blessing of class instruction, and have enjoyed active membership in a Christian Science church.

I have had healings of asthma, inflammation of the spine, recurring quinsy sore throat, and other ills; but I wish especially and gratefully to speak of the spiritual regeneration which followed my daily study to learn of the truth of Being. Our Leader depicts the way and its mental process as set forth in "An Allegory," beginning on page 323 of "Miscellaneous Writings" — how we must learn from the things we suffer, how to discard excess baggage, and how earth weights are to be given up; for, it appeared, without being fully conscious of it I "tarried in the habitation of the senses, pleased and stupefied, until wakened through the baptism of fire" (ibid., p. 328), I was aroused from a darkened and material sense of existence to a spiritual understanding of life. In proportion as I have grasped, understood, and daily utilized the divine power revealed through the laws of true Science I have continued to receive in my life the manifestation of God's gracious blessings, and I realize that this great and all-inclusive divine revelation to mankind must be lived daily.—

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