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Testimonies of Healing

I did not come into Christian Science...

From the January 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I did not come into Christian Science for physical healing: in my case it was the sweet reasonableness, the flawless logic, of this new presentation of the old truth which made a strong appeal. I had been carefully taught in religious matters, and was, nominally, a member of an orthodox church, but found no satisfaction in religion, because there were so many things left unexplained. So I was left stranded, as I thought, and lost all interest in the services, which I still continued to attend however, partly from force of habit and partly because I felt that if I ceased going to church T should lose even the last remnants of religion.

Then, one happy day, I met an acquaintance who had recently heard of Christian Science and been healed of a painful physical disorder by it, and who was eager to tell others of this newly found treasure. Being much impressed, I procured a copy of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and found that I too could joyfully say with the erstwhile blind man mentioned in John's Gospel, "Whereas I was blind, now I see;" and nothing else seemed to count. I will not say that the path has been an easy one, but the way is gradually being won, and the solid conviction that I have found the "one way to heaven, harmony, and Christ in divine Science shows us this way," as our beloved Leader writes on page 242 of Science and Health, spurs me on to greater endeavor.

Since coming into Christian Science I have had many proofs of its protecting and healing power, and will cite one instance. While crossing a courtyard my foot slipped from the curb into the gutter, and my ankle was sprained. For a moment the pain absorbed my thought, but I knew I must prove my understanding of Christian Science; so I quickly banished the thoughts of physical pain and declared the truth that there are no accidents for God's children. After a short time I was able to go on my way, and when I reached the house to all appearance nothing untoward had occurred. Although the ankle was much discolored, the next day I was able to walk normally.

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