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Testimonies of Healing

It has been proved to me many...

From the January 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It has been proved to me many times that a right understanding of Christian Science heals sickness, sorrow, and sin. I am very grateful for a recent proof of this. Feeling that I should like to get a washing dried quickly, I tightened the electric wringer as much as possible and in hurrying to get the clothes out put my right hand through the wringer. It became necessary to put the wringer in reverse in order to release the hand, and during those few seconds I tried to realize God's presence. There seemed some sense of pain, so I called a member of the family who is interested in Christian Science. He told me not to look at the hand, but to continue to stand by the truth. And so we silently declared the truth about God and man. In a very short time I was able to finish the washing and do all the necessary things that day. The next day, aside from a slight discoloration, there was no evidence of the experience.

During the years I have studied Christian Science there has been no problem so great, so small, or so urgent, but that this truth, when rightly applied, has solved it. I am indeed grateful that Christian Science is teaching me how to become conscious of man's unity with God.—

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