Although I attended the Christian Science Sunday School for a number of years and went to church services quite regularly thereafter, for many years the real import of the teachings of Christian Science did not seem to make much impression upon me. Then I discovered one day that when trying circumstances arose, quotations from Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy would come to my thought without any apparent effort on my part. I am very grateful for Christian Science, and now realize that I was unconsciously absorbing the truth in those years, and that this truth is meeting my need now. As time goes on, I am continually reminded that God's eternal plan is being unfolded, whether or not it seems so to mortal sense.
I have witnessed many healings in my own family and among friends, and am grateful for the protective power of Love. While traveling in Mexico I became very ill, on the day I was to leave there. I tried to read the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly, but did not seem to be able to comprehend the truth. Suddenly the word "today" seemed to stand out and I realized that "now is the accepted time," and that God's child is and ever has been perfect. I was completely healed, and during the long journey home felt no ill effects.
I am also very grateful for our literature, particularly for The Christian Science Monitor with its helpful religious article each day and its unbiased news. This paper has become a part of my daily life, and while working in another city each year, I am grateful to be able to read it in the quiet little Reading Room there.—San Francisco, California.