For many years the testimonies in the periodicals have been a great help to me. I should like to add mine in the hope that others may be blessed as I have been by the reading of the testimonies.
Christian Science was presented to me at a time when I was in great need. I always manifested a very moody disposition. I was unhappy myself and made others round me unhappy. The person I was working with at that time introduced Christian Science to me, telling me she knew it would help me. She lent me for a few days a copy of the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy.
When I had read the first chapter, entitled "Prayer," I knew Christian Science was what I needed and wanted. I read this chapter about seventeen times in the few days I had the book. Then I returned the book and purchased my own copy. The unhappiness and moodiness began to disappear, and I am happy to say that all moodiness has been wiped out of my experience. I am very grateful for this healing.