One day, soon after I had become interested in Christian Science, my five-year-old son went into a coma. When he had been in this state for nearly twenty-four hours I became alarmed and called upon a friend to wire a Christian Science practitioner for help. About five hours after the message had been sent, the child arose from his bed and began playing with his toys. There was no convalescent period; he was completely healed of the trouble.
Shortly after having class instruction in Christian Science I received a very beautiful healing of a misplaced vertebra in the lower part of my spinal column. Loss of memory was healed also after false material beliefs had been denied. Protection and abundant supply were mine when I was left with a twelve-year-old son to care for.
Four years ago, while I was many miles from home, I had a mild attack of peritonitis, causing complete bowel obstruction. This was healed in three days. There also have been healings of hemorrhages and broken bones. Once I cracked several ribs on my right side. They were healed without being bandaged, and I went about my work without my family even knowing of the condition. On another occasion my right hand was crushed to the wrist joint in a tight wringer. The hand was never bandaged, and I did my housework with very little aid. In two months I was writing letters with that hand, which now shows no results of injury.