The truth as Christian Science reveals it is simple because it is pure. It is the same truth of the perfection of God and man which Christ Jesus so completely illustrated in his healing works.
Mary Baker Eddy, through her consecrated study of the Scriptures and her obedience to God, discovered and demonstrated the true nature of the Christ. She found within the sacred pages of the Holy Bible the full light of spiritual truth, which other sincere seekers had failed to discover. Why did others fail where Mrs. Eddy succeeded? Probably it was because they were trying to reason both spiritually and materially. Mrs. Eddy, with spiritually enlightened vision, saw among other truths that the oneness of God, which the Bible so clearly enunciates, is an actual oneness of Spirit—not a union between Spirit and its opposite, matter. She also perceived the great truth that God is divinely pure and perfect as incorporeal Spirit and Soul and that man, reflecting the divine qualities, is spiritual and perfect. These simple truths underlie all manifestations of genuine health, harmony, and success.
There is a desire among some who come to Christian Science to find something simple. They believe that they could understand that which is expressed in familiar terms, but that they would find it difficult to grasp anything which is contrary to the common modes of thought. There is grave danger for the individual, and for Christian Science, in trying to meet this erroneous demand, because Science must be correctly stated to be used successfully. This is essential to demonstration. To oversimplify its propositions is, in many instances, to state them incorrectly, and thus to separate them from their true meaning. Some are seeking false mental short cuts in their application of Christian Science—short cuts which would cause them to avoid facing fully the pure light of the revealed idea Science presents.