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From the November 1959 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the early days of the Christian Science movement, the Church of Christ, Scientist, was faced with many difficulties, some of which might have proved disastrous had it not been for the wise leadership of Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.

In a letter to The Mother Church in Boston, Massachusetts, concerning a legal matter relating to the building of its first edifice, our Leader said (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 141): "I believe,—yea, I understand,—that with the spirit of Christ actuating all the parties concerned about the legal quibble, it can easily be corrected to the satisfaction of all. Let this be speedily done. Do not, I implore you, stain the early history of Christian Science by the impulses of human will and pride; but let the divine will and the nobility of human meekness rule this business transaction, in obedience to the law of Love and the laws of our land."

This counsel so loving, wise, comprehensive, and timeless in its scope has guided Christian Scientists throughout the years in transactions of many kinds. And in proportion as we are obedient to its spirit, we shall find the injustices and pains of human will eliminated and the infinite goodness of God's will demonstrated.

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