SCIENTIFIC research is daily expanding mankind's concept of the physical horizons, and the phrase, "It's a small world," is becoming literally true. Human discoveries in the realm of the material world, however, only echo the discoveries of the vastness of God's real creation, the universe of Spirit.
The world of yesterday's generation may have centered around a home, a town, or a nation, but today's generation must realize that the whole world is its field of endeavor and act accordingly. Today demands that the individual expand his mental horizon to include the universe. The welfare of the people in the world is an individual as well as a collective responsibility. The fermenting action of Truth in human thought is bringing oppressions, inequalities, and injustices to the surface in order to loose the people from unnecessary bondage and captivity. These are the signs of these times.
No longer should the individual concern himself with his own sphere of activity and ignore the rest of the world. To maintain a balanced stature he must, to use a familiar expression, "grow out of the cocoon" of inward thinking and breathe the atmosphere of Spirit, Love, which in truth surrounds all mankind. Many unsolved problems stem from his concentrating effort intensively on his own personal welfare, while at the same time ignoring the needs of others and neglecting to seek ways of helping them.