REAL strength is spiritual. According to Christian Science, it issues from God, the source of all true power and stability. Mankind are greatly in need of knowing this truth, for too often they have looked for strength in matter, in material means or circumstances, in human will, or in fellow mortals.
Spiritual strength is not to be found in materialism. It is not inherent in matter, is not generated by matter, and is not something that is stored up in matter to be used out of matter. Nor is true strength in mortal will or domination. Strength is Spirit's expression of firmness, uprightness, and goodness. This strength flows into human experience in unlimited measure as we turn unreservedly to God for it.
Because spiritual strength derives from God, it is eternally the same. The spiritual forces issuing from divine, unchanging Principle, God, never vary. In God's kingdom strength does not come and it does not go, but is forever present, available, usable. The strength of Spirit, which holds planets in their untiring, rhythmic rounds, holds man in like untiring activity. This same strength holds man in perfect functioning, in perfect health, poise, energy, and vigor.