While I was attending to some business in another town, I found that the bus had left the station but a minute before I arrived and that there would not be another one for an hour. It was imperative that I get home soon because of another business appointment; so I went to a taxi stand, but no cab was available.
The starter was surly and rude to me, and I turned from the door, not saying anything but thinking much which was not loving. I went across the street to have lunch, and on my way back I decided I would answer the starter in kind if he still had the same attitude. When I reached the stand, I caught my foot in a recessed place under the door ledge and was catapulted into it with such force that my papers and my purse were strewn all over.
As I started to get up and pick up my belongings, the starter asked, "Are you hurt?" I instantly replied, "I am all right." However, I felt I had broken a bone in one of my hands. The pain was so severe that I realized I had to be very positive in my thinking. Immediately I declared to myself: "He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken" (Ps. 34:20); and, "Bones have only the substance of thought which forms them" (Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, p. 423).