THE practice of Christian Science is a forward-moving mental and spiritual activity. It demands a change of thinking and living. It includes new unfoldment, new inspiration, a willingness to leave old standpoints of thought and to accept new ideas.
This is particularly true of those who are formally in the practice of Christian Science. It is not enough to seek out the treasures of Christian Science and then store them away on the shelves of our thinking. These new ideas must enter the current of our living. Prayer results in a change of consciousness, and a change of consciousness results in a change of experience.
Our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, tells us in Science and Health (p. 68), "Christian Science presents unfoldment, not accretion." Jesus' parable of the talents vividly illustrates the blessings we receive through utilizing the understanding that we have and thus gain more. In the Master's parable of the sower, the seed which fell on good ground "brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirty fold" (Matt. 13:8). It is important that we produce in the measure of our ability and understanding. Jesus said (John 13: 17), "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them."