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From the December 1964 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The season which we call Christmas is far more than a remembrance of Christ Jesus' birth. It also bears witness to the fact that Christmas is eternal, an ever-continuing revelation of spiritual good. The unfolding of the Christ-idea from infinite Love is an ever-new experience which goes on throughout eternity. The revelation of the Christ-idea in human consciousness is the wondrous Christmas which Christian Scientists celebrate.

The glory of the first Christmas was both promise and fulfillment—the fulfillment of prophecy and the promise of a full revelation yet to be established permanently in the hearts, minds, and lives of all men everywhere. Today we may rejoice that the Christ-idea, appearing on the world's first Christmas, has increased to a redeeming, healing power, intelligently understood and dearly loved in the hearts of great numbers of men, women, and children.

Is not this the continuing and the unfolding of the Christmas story? Does not the true celebration of Christmas in our times demand an appreciation of and gratitude for the inauguration and demonstration of the Science of Christianity, which the glorious ministry of our Master, like the daystar shining in the gloom, so beautifully foretold?

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