For one to live and act confidently, feeling sureness about his future, is indispensable to his happiness. The confidence which derives from egotism, human personality, or mere optimism is shallow and shakable. The teachings of Christian Science are a completely reliable foundation on which to build an assurance that can never fluctuate, because God, Truth, is the source of Science. Mrs. Eddy states in Science and Health (p. 368), "The confidence inspired by Science lies in the fact that Truth is real and error is unreal."
A man was once placed in a position in which he was called upon to assume a responsibility and a leadership that demanded far more than he believed he was capable of fulfilling. The well-being and lives of thousands were to depend on him. When he considered the magnitude of the mission, his confidence in his ability to accomplish it fell to an abysmally low level. However, his receptiveness and meekness enabled him to find a sure basis for steady confidence—God.
The man was Moses, and his task was to lead the children of Israel from Pharaoh's bondage to the Promised Land. His growing realization of the omnipresence of God, the great I am, dispelled his timidity. When he asked God, self-depreciatively (Ex. 3:11), "Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?" God replied, "Certainly I will be with thee." When God commanded him to address his people, Moses pleaded lack of eloquence and confidence. Again came the assurance of God's supporting presence (4:12), "I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say." As Moses' reliance on the guardianship and love of the one Ego strengthened and deepened, he became a spectacularly confident leader, never wavering nor ever doubting God's omnipotence.