Words cannot express the gratitude I feel to God for the goodness and grace and the supply of right ideas that have been manifested to me through Christian Science. I am grateful for all the guidance and divine protection, but, above all, for the illuminating fact that God did not give us a sinful character but created the true man in His image and likeness. It was the redeeming Christ, the true understanding of God and man, that taught me that weaknesses of character can and must be overcome and that all must be done to the glory of God. And often, holiness of thought has resulted in wholeness of body.
In my family many illnesses have been healed, and grave problems of supply have been solved. In the Second World War, God's protection was wonderfully manifested time and again during attacks. In a great conflagration, the understanding of God's absolute sovereignty brought the fire to a halt in a seemingly hopeless situation. During bombing attacks I was repeatedly able, through the understanding of God, to take my refuge in Him, and faith became "the substance of things hoped for" (Hebr. 11:1).
When a hurricane and a high tide greatly endangered our coast, God's loving and protecting care for us was apparent. To human sense, it appeared to be a miracle, but Christian Science teaches us that "the miracle of grace is no miracle to Love" (Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, p. 494). I should like to cite one example of this.