Early Christian history is a powerful drama involving courageous men and women who were messengers of God's Word. They journeyed to many parts of the civilized world of that time, carrying with them the precious seed of spiritual truth. Through teaching and healing after the manner of their Master, Christ Jesus, they reinforced Jewish monotheism and established the primitive foundations of our present Christian society and attitudes.
The history of Christian Science contains the same spiritual drama. When Mrs. Eddy discovered Christian Science more than a century ago, her discovery was the first step in a wonderful story of courage and inspiration that has continued to the present day. Her teachings reestablished the early Christian ideals and restored Christ Jesus' mode of worship and his method of healing.
As the Discoverer of Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy was a messenger of God's Word in much the same sense that Jesus was a messenger, bearing the glad tidings of Spirit to humanity, healing sickness, reforming sinners, and raising the dead. As the Founder of the Christian Science movement, Mrs. Eddy was a messenger of God's Word in much the same way that Paul was a messenger, preaching salvation and providing practical means for achieving that goal through church organization.