I was a young girl when I first heard of Christian Science from an aunt who sent the textbook,Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, to my father, her brother. She herself had been lifted out of deep grief by the study of this great book. I loved to read the testimonies in the last chapter and tell others about them, but I really made no effort to apply the truths expressed in this book or to study the Lesson-Sermon, which I learned was provided in the Quarterly.
My eyes began to bother me a great deal, and I consulted an oculist. His opinion was that I would have to wear glasses from then on. The thought of glasses did not appeal to me, so I suddenly decided to consult a Christian Science practitioner. He gave me one treatment and that was the last of the eye trouble. That was over fifty years ago, and I have never had to wear glasses since, except in the last few years for reading fine print. I have never needed them for general wear although I drive a car constantly.
From then on through the years I had help from practitioners whenever necessary and was healed of several physical troubles, including chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, and indigestion. Also financial troubles vanished. We had a very happy and harmonious marriage although my husband was not a Scientist. However, he was most kindly disposed toward my religion as a result of seeing the many benefits I was receiving from it.