The testimonies of healing and enlightened thought appearing in our periodicals have helped and encouraged me over many years. I have thought that someday I would have a wonderful experience to share. Reading Mrs. Eddy's words in Science and Health (p. 98) "but the spiritual recompense of the persecuted is assured in the elevation of existence above mortal discord and in the gift of divine Love" has awakened me to realize what great peace and harmony have pervaded my daily experience.
At one time my mother had been given only a short time to live. My sister was in the care of a specialist for diabetes, and I had ear trouble and continual colds. At this point my father's employer offered him the textbook, Science and Health, to read. Many years later this gentleman told me that my father returned it the next morning saying they had read it but that it wasn't for them. I shall ever be grateful that this friend offered my family a second opportunity to investigate Christian Science, because then they accepted it. My mother and sister were permanently healed, and a wonderful life of freedom from sickness and fear began for me.
One of my early Sunday School teachers patiently answered my many questions, and we never doubted her unselfish devotion to her pupils. In gratitude I have taught in the Sunday School for many years with the dedication inspired by Jesus' words, "freely ye have received, freely give" (Matt. 10:8).