A man was suddenly discharged from his job with the comment, "I am sorry, but you do not relate well to your fellow workers." Astonished at such an appraisal, the man, who was a student of Christian Science, began prayerfully to examine his mental bearing and behavior. If this analysis of him had validity, there would have to be a correction of some traits that would impair his usefulness and future business opportunities. "Does the word 'relate' have a meaning in Christian Science?" he asked himself. "Can my religion show me how to get along with people?"
Taking his problem to an experienced Christian Scientist, the man learned that his religion assuredly had the answer to it. The practitioner pointed out that Christian Science basically teaches that there is one God, all-powerful and ever present, and affirms the brotherhood of man in the unity of Mind. As any individual awakes to this brotherhood and sees that his relationship with others is established by seeking first his relationship to God, he is enlightened and equipped with Truth to take his individual place in human affairs.
The man listened carefully to this reasoning. He discerned a workable solution to his problem based on spiritual understanding. Applying what he knew of his link to Spirit, God, he could discover, and so express, himself as the man God made. He began to see himself and his brother man as forever at one in true manhood, the collective expression of God's being. And he saw clearly that a productive human society requires for its cohesiveness men and women whose lives are poised in a right sense of responsible relationship based on the rule and law of mutual helpfulness.