For several years I often entertained the notion that I should never have been a mother. I was frequently impatient and irritated with my two children and was confused and unsure of myself as to how to discipline. It seemed I had the choice either to express love and let them walk all over me or pit my will against theirs and make them mind.
However, as I began studying Christian Science seriously, I got a glimpse of the truth that God is man's only parent and the mortal sense of motherhood and fatherhood must be denied.
For many months I endeavored to be more patient, loving, and understanding, thinking that the children would respond in like manner. One day when I was reading the weekly Lesson-Sermon, this Bible verse leaped out at me: "I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange god among you" (Isa. 43:12).