"If you still believe that God is the Almighty, you must also know that He is almighty."
These words were written to me many years ago by a dear Christian Science practitioner, who lived several hundred miles from my town. At that time I had been sick in bed for years, no longer knowing which doctor I should see for healing, without the possibility of pursuing my beloved profession as a teacher, without pay, and regarded by my family as a malingerer. Medical treatment had failed to help me, and deep despair had taken hold of me— though I could not conceive of a loving God permitting such a condition.
My fervent prayer for divine help was answered through one of my pupils, who had heard of Christian Science. The Christian Science practitioner, whose name she mentioned to me, wrote me that significant sentence of the almighty, all-loving, and all-healing Father. His words of truth had such a convincing power that I instantaneously gave up my long-cherished limited belief in God, and thereafter accepted only the understanding of one almighty God.