Are you eager for progress? Certainly there is nothing the world is more interested in, nothing it needs more. From the basis of life in matter there is no real progress; human experience shows this. What is called progress today in medicine, invention, industry, art, is often discarded tomorrow as worthless, inaccurate, false, or outmoded. And the result is fear, chaos, confusion. Nothing based on a material premise has certainty or stability. Principle alone is foundation—in government, in politics, or in daily living, and this Principle is divine, not human. From time immemorial this divine Principle has shone into human experience wherever human thought has turned Spiritward.
Moses saw this Principle and gave the Ten Commandments, which today form the moral code and foundation of human society. Christ Jesus so embodied the true idea of God that for all time to come he is the Way-shower. Paul said, "Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." 1 The foundation of all true progress is spirituality.
Today the revelation of Christian Science is spiritualizing human thought, elevating its motives, purpose, and pursuits and showing people what progress really is, where it is, and what it demands.