Today more and more people are recognizing the power of love and what it can do for mankind. Many physicians are granting its value to patients and perhaps its power to quicken healing. Sociologists are aware of its potency in helping build neighborhoods into constructive entities. Environmentalists realize that a love of the land helps preserve its value. Even houseplants, when we pour out our love to them, answer back by blossoming!
In the revelation of Christian Science, following the Bible, God is known as divine Love itself. Mrs. Eddy declares in Science and Health, "The Christian Science God is universal, eternal, divine Love, which changeth not and causeth no evil, disease, nor death." 1 As one progresses in the study and practice of this Science, he learns the value of letting Love govern in the smallest detail of his living. He knows this is possible, for he is learning that God is always with him. In Science we cannot have a "here" man and a "there" God.
One of the greatest aspects of this Science is the discovering aspect. Fresh new ideas surface in an inspiring way when we identify ourselves as the manifestation of this Love. But how can our identification become more vivid? How can we make this word "Love" come down off our church walls and express the very substance of our living? How? There has to come a wake-up experience for each one of us, our wake-up to our unlimited identity as God's expression of Himself. This sort of knowing brings healing.