If we would discover our true identity as ideas of God, we need to dismiss the material sense of ourselves. In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy states, "Through repentance, spiritual baptism, and regeneration, mortals put off their material beliefs and false individuality."1
That people have a constitution and tendencies programmed by genes and the aggregate of cultural and social conditions surrounding them—these are some of the beliefs included in false individuality. This individuality isn't "individual" at all. It's a rubber-stamp kind of identification, known only to material sense.
That there are many minds and that each person must devise a way to survive and make his mark or, failing in this, give way to mortality in all its limiting phases—these are other beliefs included in this false sense of individuality. This personal sense can easily manifest egotism, "me-ism," self-absorption; and if something doesn't turn up to feel prideful about, discontent or despair may set in. But material personality, or individuality, is known only to material sense.