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Man's unity with God

From the November 1979 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Man, created spiritually, is at one with God and expresses all the qualities of his creator. This is what Christ Jesus so clearly perceived and taught when he said: "The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise"1 and "I and my Father are one."2

To see our sonship or unity with God, the Father, we must understand and love Him as the creative, divine Principle of all that is. We must have complete trust in Him, be altogether obedient to His divine laws, and express this obedience practically.

Our obedience is shown in proportion as we acknowledge God as the one and only Mind. Through obedience, the reality of being—inexhaustible health and perfection—increasingly permeates every aspect of our life, and the spiritual man, the expression of God, begins to shine through. Our mortal sense of self yields to the real man, and we experience the Father's guidance and loving care in all our undertakings.

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