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Finding the deep calm of Truth

From the November 1979 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Anchored in the peace and calm of Truth, of God's goodness and allness, man is not conscious of or subject to unreality—anger, violence, discord, the evils of what is called mortal existence. He is the expression of God. His Christly selfhood is calm, serene; he knows only good, for only good can emanate from God, the All-in-all.

In this ideal consciousness there is nothing to heal, nothing to get or get rid of, nothing to regret or forget, nothing to escape from or change. All is well in the realm of perfect divine Love. All is health, harmony, and holiness.

One may say, "These absolute truths sound fine, but let's get down to earth with all its troubles." Come what may, however, the secret of human freedom is to remain above, in the consciousness of Truth—to reflect God's perception of man as His pure, spiritual idea, functioning harmoniously under spiritual law.

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