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Elegant thoughts

From the November 1979 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A woman sat in the office of a Christian Science practitioner and wept as she poured out the fears and frustrations that harassed her. The practitioner in turn reversed every statement of woe with the spiritual, corrective truth that God is the only Life and Mind and that man is His excellent expression.

Finally, in emphasis of these great facts, the practitioner declared: "Over and over again, the Bible shows God as Love and as excellent, wonderful, marvelous, holy! Then surely He could only express in you the most elegant thoughts!"

Surprised, the woman laughed. "Elegant thoughts!" she exclaimed. "I've never heard of such a thing!" Then, more soberly: "But you're right. The creator couldn't very well conceive such destructive thoughts as I've been describing." This realization marked a turning point in the woman's thought. She felt and understood something of the light and loveliness of God's eternal presence, and her healing of mental darkness began with that touch of spiritual elegance.

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