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The woman who is included

From the November 1979 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Let us consider the woman who is included in the designation "man." Isn't this true womanhood—the womanhood that has nothing to do with physical gender? Isn't it the expression of God's motherhood, which is inseparable from His fatherhood?

In Christian Science, Father-Mother God as a name for Deity indicates the perfect orchestration of the spiritual qualities of God's fatherhood, inseparable from the spiritual qualities of God's motherhood. The presence of every one of these qualities is necessary for God to be what He is—All and all-inclusive. Because our Father-Mother God includes all perfect qualities—feminine and masculine—His full reflection, man, must include all perfect qualities as well.

What do we know about the feminine qualities, which, in unison with the masculine ones, make up the compound idea, man, reflecting the Father-Mother God? We recognize beauty, harmony, purity, tenderness, holiness, to name a few—all displaying the nature of true womanhood.

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