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Taking a radical stand

From the November 1979 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science starts with God, rests on God, and stays with God. It reveals the pure reality of all things in such a way that we can prove this reality. It is the Science of Love meeting our need, satisfying our understanding, and healing us, regardless of our mental or physical circumstances. Why? Because it is the absolute revelation of Truth. It eliminates the claims of disease as cause, effect, action, presence.

This teaching shows us the pure truth of being, not temporizing with a mortal view of things. Taking a radical stand means going to the very roots of being and staying there. It means relying on spiritual sense and putting aside mortal sense as delusive and illusive—not two-footedly trying to stand on both Spirit and matter.

Mary Baker Eddy took a radical stand with Truth. This gave her the inspiration and perception to write, "God's law is in three words, 'I am All;' and this perfect law is ever present to rebuke any claim of another law."1

1 No and Yes, p. 30;

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