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Unwritten letter

From the November 1979 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There was stillness in the room,
and predawn darkness.
The bottom of the curtains
brushed the sill with quietness.

I remembered what you said to me—
when fear had entered in.
I remembered it again and again,
and I remembered it then.

You had come into my room
when your chores were done
and had read aloud deep truths.
I felt a comfort, an ease.

You aired the room, then smiled and turned to go.
And at the door,
you stopped a moment,
just before
joy made you speak—

"You are the celebration of Life."
Then you were gone.

That penetrating truth could not/would not leave me,
"...the celebration of Life, Life's celebration."

Later, I stood,
and walked to the window—
Life's celebration was bursting
every place/space/second,
gloriously rejoicing/rushing forth jubilee.

That very afternoon,
running to catch my homebound train,
I realized I didn't even know your name—
but your Christliness had been
your light had

And in that shining
celebration came.

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