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True refuge

From the November 1979 issue of The Christian Science Journal

According to the allegory, mankind's history began with two refugees being evicted from the Garden of Eden. Since then, there have been countless variations of the same theme. But man is never truly a displaced person. He is never an exile. Christian Science exposes mortality and mortal episodes, with their attendant problems of insecurity, as fictional, untrue. This Science reinstates awareness of an eternal refuge for all by revealing man's inseparable spiritual unity with God, divine Love, who is governing the universe in harmonious, changeless perfection—now.

In this Science we learn to accept the one, good spiritual creation depicted in the first chapter of Genesis as our basis for fundamental stability, which is the only fact of being. In spite of all opposing suggestions, we learn that we do not have to wait for a right adjustment to take place, or until we can get to another place, or until we are in the next world, before knowing true peace. This peace is ours now.

Never physical, our true refuge is a constant, individual cherishing of our entrenched spiritual security in God. Never a state of wanting, of searching and maybe finding, it is the conviction of having all good now. This fact, when prayerfully affirmed, demonstrates practically the ever-available provision of divine Mind.

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