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Church in Action

The Reading Room: making the pastor available

From the November 1979 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A report from the 1900 Annual Meeting, printed in that year's July Journal, noted: "By request of our Leader, Rev. Mrs. Eddy, the Christian Science Churches have established Christian Science Reading Rooms. There are 212 of these where the Bible and all the works of our Teacher and all genuine Christian Science literature can be read.... The patronage and the appreciation that the public has shown toward these rooms prove her foresight and her wisdom in providing them. In these pleasant places,—these harbors of rest,—in the midst of the rush of the business districts,—the merchant and the shop-hand can escape from the whirl of daily life and find a resting-place where on a work-day they can think about God, and return to their tasks with sweeter thoughts, strengthened courage, and regenerated hopes."

The quick response of the churches to this impetus for growth was illustrated by one branch church, organized in 1895 with twelve members, which "reported that the sale of literature during the past year amounted to over two thousand dollars, and the sale of Science and Health averaged one copy each day." Quoted in The Christian Science Journal, July 1900, pp. 206–207;

Today, nearly eight decades later, Christian Science Reading Rooms are found in most parts of the world— wherever there are Christian Science branch churches. The public is still seeking these "harbors of rest" out of many needs and interests. Some people are simply curious. Others are looking for a place for active study. Many are asking for the truth and come with genuine spiritual hunger and open hearts. Each one finds a loving response and spiritual comfort in an atmosphere that represents the practical nature of Church as it is found "elevating the race."

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