The annual meeting of a Christian Science Students Association is a jubilee of Spirit. It's an occasion for the celebration of Truth. The members gather to receive renewed inspiration, higher views, and fresh impetus for their journey Spiritward. For many, association day is the spiritual high point of the year.
The call to this meeting derives its authority from the Manual of The Mother Church. Here our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, writes: "The associations of the pupils of loyal teachers shall convene annually." Man., Art. XXVI, Sect. 6; Because this meeting is undergirded by the Manual, it has unlimited potential for quickening the spiritual progress of all who attend.
Perhaps the main purpose of association meetings is to provide deeper insights into the Science of being. For this reason the student can expect to have his concept of God's infinite, beneficent nature expanded; his awareness of his identity as God's beloved son reinforced; and his understanding of the transforming power of the Christ amplified. He can look forward to receiving fresh, penetrating insight into such fundamentals as daily prayer, metaphysical treatment, Church, the application of scientific truths to individual and world problems, and the unreality of matter or evil.