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To give or not to give

From the July 1980 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Giving is an essential element of Christian love. We are instructed in the New Testament to love one another, to return blessing for cursing, and to give as freely as we have received.

Yet in the Sermon on the Mount, Christ Jesus said, "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine." Matt. 7:6; This command may seem to contradict the instructions to give freely, but it really doesn't.

What Jesus imparted was Christ, the Truth that frees the human being from a material sense of things and reveals man as the son of God. However, Jesus was compelled to warn his fledgling followers not to communicate spiritual truths in the face of blatant human resistance. The lessons he taught were, and still are, anathema to mortal mind; so wisdom is necessary in planting and protecting the seedlings of truth.

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