What is eternity? An endless passage of time? Or a state of timelessness? Religions and philosophies talk about eternal life, but what does this imply in practical terms? Does it imply a static Utopia?
The Christian Scientist views eternity in a unique light. He distinguishes sharply between the apparent material reality, which includes the human conceptions of time, and the eternal facts— the changeless, spiritual reality that is God and God's ever-present manifestation. Instead of defining eternity as an endless progression of time, the Christian Scientist sees eternity as ever-present, timeless being. Therefore, according to this Science, we do not have to wait for eternity but can experience it right now.
God is ever present and is always manifesting His being. A recognition of spiritual reality gives us a glimpse of eternity—a glimpse of true being as the continuing reflection of the divine, infinite All. We can experience eternity in a moment, in a thought, in a timeless now.