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Testimonies of Healing

For over forty years I have enjoyed the...

From the July 1980 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For over forty years I have enjoyed the protecting, healing, and guiding power of the Christ, Truth, as revealed in Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and my gratitude is unbounded. I attribute success in my business career solely to the guidance of divine Mind. At one period the board of our company decided I carried too much of the workload, and they created a new position to relieve me. A portion of my work that involved much interstate travel was transferred to a new colleague. Two months later I was elected First Reader in my branch church and served my three years without interference from the business situation. Six months after I had completed my term as Reader, the board decided the company operation would function better as it had previously. The new position was abandoned, and the workload that entailed extensive travel was returned to my care.

Restoration of lost articles has resulted from the application of unselfed love. When our new car was stolen, a great deal of study and prayer was undertaken with the help of a Christian Science practitioner, but the car was not located. After more than a month I suddenly realized that my prayerful approach should change from that of redeeming a personal loss to specifically treating a social evil. The results were immediate, for within twelve hours the car was returned to us in perfect condition. But even more important was the fact that the recovery of the stolen auto exposed four criminals the police had previously been unable to trace. Also apprehended were eighteen government employees who had been manipulating vehicle registrations.

The protective power of the Christ, Truth, has been evident in my health, for few problems have arisen. However, in one instance I was stricken with severe illness that confined me to bed and weakened me considerably. When I was at my lowest ebb, two close friends offered to take me to a Christian Science lecture, and I accepted. It was necessary for them to carry me into the auditorium. But, inspired by the spiritual message, I walked from that lecture completely healed! I returned to my office the following day.

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