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Testimonies of Healing

How grateful I am that my mother...

From the July 1980 issue of The Christian Science Journal

How grateful I am that my mother recognized Christian Science as the truth that heals when it was first presented to her. As an infant, I suffered from a nervous condition, which resulted in a severe case of eczema. Medical treatment had been of no avail.

One morning while we were out, a stranger noticed my condition and engaged my mother in conversation. She told Mother that she had heard there were people in the neighboring town who could heal by prayer—they were called Christian Scientists.

My mother located a Christian Science practitioner the same day and asked for help. That night I slept soundly. The healing had begun and was soon complete. My mother was a committed Christian Scientist from that moment on, and the result for me has been a lifetime of blessings through the study and application of this Science.

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